Saturday, November 19, 2011

Secret #2

Secret #2: If You Want Your Phone To Ring, Your Advertising Must Get People's Attention...And Arouse Emotions! If you remember just one secret from this tip sheet, remember to follow this proven five-step formula in every bit of marketing and advertising you do: 1. Get Attention! 2. Arouse interest and emotion. 3. Tell an interesting story in a believable way. 4. Offer an incentive to take action...NOW. 5. Ask for action, and make it easy for people to do it.

The first, and most important, step is to get attention. Your advertising will not stimulate responses unless it gets read. It will not be read if it is not noticed. And, it will not be noticed unless it: Gets People's Attention! In Fact, 80 - 90% Of The Success Of Any Ad Is The Direct Result Of How Well The Headline Gets...Attention!! If you don’t believe me, go look at “People Magazine”, “The Star”, “Redbook” and so on.

Warning - What You're About To Read May Shock You! Whether or not you even approve of...any of the publications we just discussed, you'd have to be blind to get past a magazine rack or grocery checkout line without at least noticing these covers and attention-getting headlines. Can you say the same about your advertising? Are your advertising messages exciting or boring? What do your business cards, marketing letters and brochures look like? Are you really saying or doing anything different from anybody else??? Every month, the editors of all these magazines and newspapers do everything they can possibly think of TO GRAB YOUR ATTENTION! While you may not agree with the pictures or underlying messages, millions of these magazines are sold each week because...Emotions stir up more sales than logic ever will!

The biggest mistake you can make in marketing is to use a straightforward, "professional" approach that attempts to appeal to people's sensibilities. Yet, over 95% of all businesses and sales people make it over and over! Logical advertising is dead advertising. Emotions are what motivate people to take notice and respond. If Your Advertising Is Boring...It Won't Make Money! Now stop for a moment and think. Think about your advertising. Think about your company's advertising. Think about the brochures you give to people. Are people beating down your doors and ringing your phone off the hook to get to you because of what you do...the titles you hold...or the colorful brochures? Typical "business card style" advertisement that many businesses use to get their name and phone number in front of the public. You know, the kind of ad that cleverly includes a ho-hum grocery list of services that anyone in your industry or profession provides. There is absolutely nothing in the ad that gets attention or arouses emotions about why someone should choose YOU versus every other firm listed in the telephone directory. No emotions...just very plain-looking ads. Just like everyone else's. If you want to get people's attention, you have to be saying things that will actually get their attention!

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